2,371 research outputs found

    Bidding Behavior in the SNB's Repo Auctions

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    The Swiss National Bank (SNB) provides reserves to market participants via fixed rate tender auctions. We analyze the banks' bidding behavior and identify the determinants for the decision to participate as well as on the amount to tender. Therefore, we estimate bidding functions for banks which participate regularly in the SNB's auctions. We find that a bank's bids from the previous day and the amount of maturing repo operations with the SNB have for most banks a significant effect. The autonomous factors (government balances at the SNB and currency in circulation) are of only minor importance. A further determinant of the bidding behavior is the attractiveness of the SNB's auction rate compared to the prevailing interbank market repo rate. The spread of unsecured and repo rates as well as the attractiveness of funding Euros indirectly via a Swiss franc repo transaction with the SNB are only for few banks significant. Further, the question is addressed whether the bidding behavior changed in the financial market crisis of 2007/2008. There is little evidence of a systematic change in bidding behavior in the crisis. This results from the fact that the SNB has addressed the volatile demand for reserves in the crisis with overnight fine-tuning operations.Open Market Operations, Bidding Behavior, FixedRate Tender Auction, Repo, Switzerland

    The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Precision measurements of the absolute cosmic distance scale

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    BOSS, the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, is a 5-year program to measure the absolute cosmic distance scale and expansion rate with percent-level precision at redshifts z<0.7 and z~2.5. BOSS uses the "standard ruler" provided by baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). BOSS will achieve a near optimal measurement of the BAO scale at z<0.7, with a redshift survey of 1.5 million luminous galaxies. It will pioneer a new method of BAO measurement at high redshift, using the LyA forest to 160,000 QSOs in the redshift range 2.1<z<3.0. The forecast measurement precision for angular diameter distance d_A is 1.0%, 1.0%, and 1.5% at z=0.35, 0.6, and 2.5, respectively, and the forecast precision for the Hubble parameter H(z) is 1.8%, 1.7%, and 1.2% at the same redshifts. These measurements will provide powerful constraints on the nature of dark energy and the curvature of space, complementing the constraints obtained from other probes. BOSS will also provide a superb data set for studying large- and small-scale clustering, the evolution of massive galaxies and the luminosity function and clustering of QSOs at 2.3 < z < 6.5. BOSS is one of four surveys that comprise SDSS-III (the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III), a 6-year program that will use highly multiplexed spectrographs on the 2.5-m Sloan Foundation Telescope to investigate cosmological parameters, the history and structure of the Milky Way galaxy, and the population of giant planet systems.Comment: Unpublished SDSS-III white paper for the US Decadal Survey. See http://www.sdss3.org for details of the international SDSS-III projec

    Microwave spectroscopy on heavy-fermion systems: probing the dynamics of charges and magnetic moments

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    Investigating solids with light gives direct access to charge dynamics, electronic and magnetic excitations. For heavy fermions, one has to adjust the frequency of the probing light to the small characteristic energy scales, leading to spectroscopy with microwaves. We review general concepts of the frequency-dependent conductivity of heavy fermions, including the slow Drude relaxation and the transition to a superconducting state, which we also demonstrate with experimental data taken on UPd2Al3. We discuss the optical response of a Fermi liquid and how it might be observed in heavy fermions. Microwave studies with focus on quantum criticality in heavy fermions concern the charge response, but also the magnetic moments can be addressed via electron spin resonance (ESR). We discuss the case of YbRh2Si2, the open questions concerning ESR of heavy fermions, and how these might be addressed in the future. This includes an overview of the presently available experimental techniques for microwave studies on heavy fermions, with a focus on broadband studies using the Corbino approach and on planar superconducting resonators.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of QCnP 201

    Alignments of mitochondrial genome arrangements: Applications to metazoan phylogeny

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    Mitochondrial genomes provide a valuable dataset for phylogenetic studies, in particular of metazoan phylogeny because of the extensive taxon sample that is available. Beyond the traditional sequence-based analysis it is possible to extract phylogenetic information from the gene order. Here we present a novel approach utilizing these data based on cyclic list alignments of the gene orders. A progressive alignment approach is used to combine pairwise list alignments into a multiple alignment of gene orders. Parsimony methods are used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees, ancestral gene orders, and consensus patterns in a straightforward approach. We apply this method to study the phylogeny of protostomes based exclusively on mitochondrial genome arrangements. We, furthermore, demonstrate that our approach is also applicable to the much larger genomes of chloroplasts

    Convergent evolution of heat-inducibility during subfunctionalization of the Hsp70 gene family

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    Background: Heat-shock proteins of the 70 kDa family (Hsp70s) are essential chaperones required for key cellular functions. In eukaryotes, four subfamilies can be distinguished according to their function and localisation in different cellular compartments: cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Generally, multiple cytosol-type Hsp70s can be found in metazoans that show either constitutive expression and/or stress-inducibility, arguing for the evolution of different tasks and functions. Information about the hsp70 copy number and diversity in microbial eukaryotes is, however, scarce, and detailed knowledge about the differential gene expression in most protists is lacking. Therefore, we have characterised the Hsp70 gene family of Paramecium caudatum to gain insight into the evolution and differential heat stress response of the distinct family members in protists and to investigate the diversification of eukaryotic hsp70s focusing on the evolution of heat-inducibility. Results: Eleven putative hsp70 genes could be detected in P. caudatum comprising homologs of three major Hsp70-subfamilies. Phylogenetic analyses revealed five evolutionarily distinct Hsp70-groups, each with a closer relationship to orthologous sequences of Paramecium tetraurelia than to another P. caudatum Hsp70-group. These highly diverse, paralogous groups resulted from duplications preceding Paramecium speciation, underwent divergent evolution and were subject to purifying selection. Heat-shock treatments were performed to test for differential expression patterns among the five Hsp70-groups as well as for a functional conservation within Paramecium. These treatments induced exceptionally high mRNA up-regulations in one cytosolic group with a low basal expression, indicative for the major heat inducible hsp70s. All other groups showed comparatively high basal expression levels and moderate heat-inducibility, signifying constitutively expressed genes. Comparative EST analyses for P. tetraurelia hsp70s unveiled a corresponding expression pattern, which supports a functionally conserved evolution of the Hsp70 gene family in Paramecium. Conclusions: Our analyses suggest an independent evolution of the heat-inducible cytosol-type hsp70s in Paramecium and in its close relative Tetrahymena, as well as within higher eukaryotes. This result indicates convergent evolution during hsp70 subfunctionalization and implies that heat-inducibility evolved several times during the course of eukaryotic evolution

    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2009

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    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2009:Inhalt -Die Research Academy Leipzig -Vorwort RAL feiert 3. Geburtstag -Die Arbeit der RAL-Doktorandenvertretung 2009 -FĂ€cherĂŒbergreifendes Qualifikationsprogramm Die Veranstaltungen der Research Academy Leipzig 2009 -Seminar „Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis“ -PrĂ€sentation in der Öffentlichkeit -Kleinkindbetreuung fĂŒr Kinder der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden -Das Graduiertenzentrum Mathematik/Informatik und Naturwissenschaften -Graduiertenschule Leipzig School of Natural Sciences – Building with Molecules and Nano-objects BuildMoNa -Deutsch-Französisches Doktorandenkollegium/CollĂšge Doctoral Franco-Allemand Statistische Physik komplexer Systeme -International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences -International Research Training Group Diffusion in Porous Materials -Graduiertenkolleg Analysis, Geometrie und ihre Verbindung zu den Naturwissenschaften -Graduiertenkolleg WissensreprĂ€sentation -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Forschung in Grenzgebieten der Chemie -Das Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften -Graduiertenkolleg InterdisziplinĂ€re AnsĂ€tze in den Neurowissenschaften -Graduiertenkolleg Funktion von Aufmerksamkeit bei kognitiven Prozessen -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Von der Signalverarbeitung zum Verhalten -International Max Planck Research School The Leipzig School of Human Origins -MD-PhD-Programm der UniversitĂ€t Leipzig -Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg Proteinwissenschaften -International Max Planck Research School Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure and Plasticity -Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg Matrixengineering -Das Graduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften -Bericht zur 7. Internationalen Sommerschule fĂŒr Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden Erinnerungskulturen in transkultureller und transnationaler Perspektive -Jahresbericht 2009 der Doktorandenvertreter/innen des Graduiertenzentrums Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften -Ehemaliger Doktorand fĂŒr Forschungen nach Leipzig zurĂŒckgekehrt -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Transnationalisierung und Regionalisierung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart -Graduiertenkolleg Bruchzonen der Globalisierung -Deutsch als Fremdsprache Transcultural German Studies -Kultureller Austausch Altertumswissenschaftliche, historische und ethnologische Perspektiven -Graduiertenkolleg Religiöser Non-Konformismus und kulturelle Dynamik -Entwicklung der Doktorandenzahlen -Bildnachweise -Impressu

    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2013

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    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 201

    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2008

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    Jahresbericht der Research Academy Leipzig 2008:Inhalt -Die Research Academy Leipzig -Vorwort Research Academy Leipzig im Aufwind -Die Arbeit der RAL-Doktorandenvertretung 2008 -FĂ€cherĂŒbergreifendes Qualifikationsprogramm Die Veranstaltungen der Research Academy Leipzig 2008 -Seminar „Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis“ -PrĂ€sentation in der Öffentlichkeit -Kleinkindbetreuung fĂŒr Kinder der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden -Das Graduiertenzentrum Mathematik/Informatik und Naturwissenschaften -Graduiertenschule Leipzig School of Natural Sciences – Building with Molecules and Nano-objects BuildMoNa -International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences -Deutsch-Französisches Doktorandenkollegium/CollĂšge Doctoral Franco-Allemand Statistische Physik in komplexen Systemen -International Research Training Group Diffusion in Porous Materials -Graduiertenkolleg Analysis, Geometrie und ihre Verbindung zu den Naturwissenschaften -Graduiertenkolleg WissensreprĂ€sentation -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Forschung in Grenzgebieten der Chemie -Das Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften -Graduiertenkolleg InterdisziplinĂ€re AnsĂ€tze in den Neurowissenschaften InterNeuro -Graduiertenkolleg Funktion von Aufmerksamkeit bei kognitiven Prozessen Attention -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Von der Signalverarbeitung zum Verhalten IPP Signal -International Max Planck Research School The Leipzig School of Human Origins -MD-PhD-Programm der UniversitĂ€t Leipzig -Das Graduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften -Bericht zur 6. International Sommerschule fĂŒr Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden World Orders Revisited -Erfahrungsbericht: Aufenthalt an der Duke Unversity -Internationales Promotionsprogramm Transnationalisierung und Regionalisierung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart -Graduiertenkolleg Bruchzonen der Globalisierung -Deutsch als Fremdsprache Transcultural German Studies -Kultureller Austausch Altertumswissenschaftliche, historische und ethnologische Perspektiven -Entwicklung der Doktorandenzahlen -Bildnachweise -Impressu
